The City’s Senior and Family Services Division is located at 1922 Artesia Blvd. at Green Lane.
Phone: 310/318-0650.
Senior and Family Services provides information and referrals, and a variety of over 125 programs, classes, recreational activities and services, and volunteer opportunities for 50+ seniors, disabled adults, and their families, through the administrative office and three senior centers.
The City’s Senior and Family Services Division is located at 1922 Artesia Blvd. at Green Lane.
Phone: 310/318-0650.
Senior and Family Services provides information and referrals, and a variety of over 125 programs, classes, recreational activities and services, and volunteer opportunities for 50+ seniors, disabled adults, and their families, through the administrative office and three senior centers.
Free resource guides are available at the Artesia office or through the above website. Resource guides include information and referrals for such topics as senior housing, assisted living, skilled nursing, in-home care, support groups, transportation, and many more.
Senior centers at Anderson Park and Perry Park are open only during stated, planned, activities. The Veterans Park Club is staffed Monday through Thursday and at other times for stated activities. For information about activities and schedules, call the administrative office at 310-318-0650.
Volunteer opportunities are available to assist with programs and activities, help with special events, and serve as a senior club officer or chairperson.
Some of the special events include an annual Health Fair, Old Fashioned Summer Picnic, recognition events, and the Arts and Crafts Bazaars.
The low-cost Senior Lunch Program is available five days a week at two separate sites: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Perry Park, and Tuesday and Thursday at Veterans Park.
The lunch program is sponsored by the City of Redondo Beach Senior and Family Services, the Torrance-South Bay YMCA,. L.A.County Area Agency on Aging, and the Beach Cities Health District.
Reservations are required at least 24 hours in advance and can be made at the site or by calling 310-318-0650 by noon of the previous business day. Drop-ins will be served after those with reservations.
Free resource guides are available at the Artesia office or through the above website. Resource guides include information and referrals for such topics as senior housing, assisted living, skilled nursing, in-home care, support groups, transportation, and many more.
Senior centers at Anderson Park and Perry Park are open only during stated, planned, activities. The Veterans Park Club is staffed Monday through Thursday and at other times for stated activities. For information about activities and schedules, call the administrative office at 310-318-0650.
Volunteer opportunities are available to assist with programs and activities, help with special events, and serve as a senior club officer or chairperson.
Some of the special events include an annual Health Fair, Old Fashioned Summer Picnic, recognition events, and the Arts and Crafts Bazaars.
The low-cost Senior Lunch Program is available five days a week at two separate sites: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Perry Park, and Tuesday and Thursday at Veterans Park.
The lunch program is sponsored by the City of Redondo Beach Senior and Family Services, the Torrance-South Bay YMCA,. L.A.County Area Agency on Aging, and the Beach Cities Health District.
Reservations are required at least 24 hours in advance and can be made at the site or by calling 310-318-0650 by noon of the previous business day. Drop-ins will be served after those with reservations.